
Watermelon Seedless

Variety Maturity Shape Rind Pattern Size Disease
9601HQ Late Round to Oval Green background with very faint stripes 7-9 kg IR: Co: 1
9651HQ Late Round to Oval Green background with very faint stripes 8-10 kg IR: Co: 1
Royal Knight Early Round to Oval Green background with very faint stripes 7-8 kg in Spring/Autumn; 8-10 kg in Summer IR: Co; Fon: 0,1

Watermelon Seeded

Variety Maturity Shape Rind Pattern Size Disease
Premium Early Oval Light green with dark green tiger stripes 2.5-3.5 kg IR: Fon: 0, 1
Polimax Very Early Round Grey 3-4 kg -
800 F1 Mid-season Blocky Enlongated Dark green background with thin lighter green stripes 11-13kg IR: Co: 1; Fon: 1


Variety Disease
Shintosa Camelforce Fon 0,1; Vd; Fom; Foc