News & Events


Results: 5

December 22, 2020

Marcel Huibers about 20 years high wire cucumbers

In the video, he talks about the initial phase, how he experienced this period and how he looks at the future. “The greatest challenge of high wire cultivation in cucumbers is still labor", says Huibers.
December 3, 2020

Our first ToBRFV intermediate resistant tomato variety will be introduced in Mexico

For the new season in Mexico, we are introducing our first tomato variety with intermediate resistance against Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus (ToBRFV). The new hybrid is a cherry plum tomato variety and combines intermediate resistance with strong agronomic and market performance.  
October 29, 2020

BASF to acquire innovative melon breeding company ASL

Acquisition will secure and increase BASF’s position in melon seeds

Expansion of BASF’s breeding and seed production in France

Closing planned on January 1, 2023

March 3, 2020

Graines Voltz to acquire HILD Samen business from BASF

Graines Voltz, a leading French floral and vegetable seeds distributor signed an agreement with BASF to buy its HILD Samen business in Marbach, Germany. Currently, it is part of the vegetable seeds business of BASF’s Agricultural Solutions division. 
February 17, 2020

Discovery by Jack Crienen Boosts High-Wire Cultivation of Cucumbers

This year, it’s twenty years since BASF Vegetable Seeds started breeding high-wire cucumbers. A key player in this development was cucumber grower Jack Crienen (53), from Baarlo, who discovered an abnormal plant in his greenhouse.