Share in our passion for carrots
We’d like to share our passion for carrots with you during our demo days. Our success with and our passion for carrots come from years of experience in product development. We have a strong foundation, and our portfolio comprises a wide variety of different kinds of carrots. This is how we share our passion with our customers; together we can grow the best carrots.
Taking good care of our carrot varieties goes hand in hand with our passion for them. That’s why we harvest them both manually and by machine, ensuring that our beautiful smooth carrots are harvested with great care, making sure they don’t break and add to unnecessary waste. We grow carrots with an increase in yield, great overall quality, the best taste, and resistance to diseases. We’re always looking to go the next level to make the most out of carrots – for us, for you, and for the future.

Allyance F1: A new generation of attractive carrots with high disease resistance
Our new Allyance F1 variety is meant for the fresh market. These carrots are very smooth, uniform, and attractive: the complete package. Allyance is flexible when it comes to the crop calendar because of its sustainability and high resistance against multiple diseases: alternaria dauci, ceraspora carotae, cavity spot, and bolting and intermediate resistance for Powdery Mildew. All in all, they’re flavourful and crispy carrots with the ultimate protection.
These carrots have a pleasing cylindrical shape as well as a good field holding ability – plus, we’ve added new genetics to make the whole production process more organic. All these benefits help growers add value during sales by choosing this variant of carrots as well as increase their yield. That’s what we call an innovation for the market.
A full portfolio with carrots for every segment
Working with new genetics means new solutions for our customers. There’s a lot to see during the demo days: 130 plots with 85 different varieties. This is because we serve many different segments with our complete range of carrots: the fresh market, the fresh packed market, the juice and natural ingredient segment, and the slicing segment – just to name a few.
We carry many different variants for those different segments. In total, we separate our carrots into five main groups:
- Nantes carrots: the traditional carrots you find in supermarkets.
- Industrial carrots: big and bulky carrots, ideal for freezing, processing/slicing, and juicing.
- Imperator assortment: very long carrots for healthy snack solutions as well as juicing and other convenience carrot products.
- Colorful carrots: Red, White, Yellow and Purple, for fresh or industrial use.
- Mini carrots: amazing for snacking, very dense.
Curious about our passion for carrots? We’d love to share everything we have with you during our demo days!