
Nunhems Lettuce and Spinach Demo Field 2021


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BASF Cartagena
Finca Lo Ruiz 25,
30593 La Palma
Cartagena, Murcia
Due to COVID-19 we kindly request you to fill in the attached registration form and return this to your Nunhems contact person.


  • A walk through Nunhems’ Retail Range:  discuss concept,  ready specialties


  • Learn about High Density Mechanical Harvest Trials:  a solution for the future
  • Explore  various concepts under Taste & Appearance,  Technology,  Convenience &
    Chef´s  Lettuce


We kindly invite you to join us at the Nunhems Lettuce and Spinach Demo in

Cartagena (Murcia, Spain), which is open to invitees in weeks 7, from 15th to 19th February, with additional possibilities for visiting us in week 6 and 8. Please note that week 7 (from 15th to 19th February) would be for visits to the field. Week 6 and 8 would be for digital meetings.


We at BASF believe in partnering with you through the entire value chain- from Farm to Fork. We are motivated to collaborate and co-create new ideas and concepts together with you, based on the latest market and consumer trends. We offer not only agronomic expertise but also market and consumer intelligence that will keep you on the top of innovation. Together we will work to let your business grow. 

The whole visit is personalized for you so that you can have a look at interesting concepts and varieties suiting your business needs together with our sales specialist and product experts. The demo week undoubtedly gives you the platform for networking and discussing new industry trends and opportunities.


If -due to COVID-19- a live visit is not possible for you, individual digital meetings with our sales specialists will be available.


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