

Spinach Fresh

Fresh Market Hybrids

Variety Speed of Growing Recommended Sowing Period Resistance Description Comments
Nembus F1 Fast Aut-Win-Spr-Sum Pe:1-20 Good speed and vigor
Regor F1 Fast Aut-Win-Spr-Sum Pe:1-20 Good speed and vigor
Seginus F1 Fast Aut-Win-Spr Pe:1-20 Dark color and fast speed
Dracus F1 Medium Aut-Win-Spr-Sum Pe:1-20 Good texture
Minkar F1 Medium Spr-Sum-Aut Pe:1-20 Good color and texture
Tabit F1 Medium Aut-Win-Spr-Sum Pe:1-20 Good speed and vigor
NUN 07557 SPS F1 Medium Aut-Win-Spr-Sum Pe:1-17, 19, 20 Good savoyness and texture
NUN 07562 SPS (Rastaban) F1 Medium Aut-Win-Spr-Sum Pe:1-20 Good uniformity and dark color
Crater F1 Slow Spr-Sum-Aut Pe:1-20 Good texture
NUN 07553 SPS F1 Slow Spr-Sum-Aut Pe:1-19 Good savoyness and texture


Cultivation periods:   
Spr = Spring   
Sum = Summer   
Aut = Autumn   
Win = Winter   
Pe = Peronospora effusa

Zane Cauzza
Regional Crop Lead
Esteban Chavez Perez
Principal Specialist Product Development
Tim Carruesco
Senior Account Manager

Information provided is based on experience with tests, trials, or practices as well as general observations over multiple years.

Individual results may vary. Nunhems USA, Inc. (“Nunhems”) strives to provide accurate and complete information, descriptions, content, illustrations, images, and data (“Information”) on its websites, social media sites/posts, and printed materials (“Publications”) as such Information is reasonably available to Nunhems at time of compilation. When the Information is based on experiences with tests, trials, or practices, such Information is provided by Nunhems as closely as commercially possible to such experiences. Information may also be based on general observations. However, Nunhems cannot guarantee the Information in any form whatsoever; therefore, the Information is provided on an ‘AS IS’ basis and without any guarantee, either express or implied, including, without limitation, that the Information is accurate or complete. Under no circumstances is the Information to be considered as advice or as a recommendation. Buyer is solely responsible for seed selection and purchasing decisions, including whether to rely upon the Information and for determining suitability of the seed for the intended growth and use under buyer’s local conditions.

The Publications are intended to help buyer identify plant diseases that may or could affect his/her crops. The images may give a distorted image of reality andmay otherwise not be an accurate portrayal of the disease